Pt 2 of 2 | Update | Dec '18
Hello Friends,
We are two months into our new season here at University of the Nations (YWAM Kona).
Part 1 of this update was a vulnerable update from Danielle about some of the challenges we’ve faced since being here and the Lord’s goodness to deliver us through.
Part 2 here, is to share specifics about what the Lord is having us do.
Haven and Myah are continuing with Discipleship Academy; the homeschool co-op in Battle Ground, WA. They are working remotely (of course). They are self-led and both intend to complete all their high school curriculum within two years. Two months in and they are already ahead of that schedule.
Why are they doing this? Years ago when we began to homeschool, the concept of “inspire learners, not require students” was implanted in our family. The girls desire to learn and get going with their lives and creative gifts, working, and serving God in the nations.
The girls are learning new dimensions of their relationship with the Lord. Transitioning away from our home community again means loss of friendship and comforts; a perfect recipe for dependence on the Father.
Cohen and Asher are in a school here on campus called Wai’aha. It is a parent-led co-op, directed by professional educators. The boys have a few classmates and several incredible teachers for the various subjects. Danielle teaches writing and I get to teach the bible. They are growing in their scholastics with this model.
They’ve been re-acquainted with friends here; getting to enjoy lots of outdoor play time.
Valor, well he’s not even two years old yet. But he wants to be exploring everywhere and everything. He thinks he’s three or four it seems. He hardly wants to sleep. Has endless energy. Loves praise and worship time.
The three boys love the pool, they get to swim a couple times per week. It’s still 80 degrees in November. The family tries to get to the beach a few times a month for relaxing. It’s the easiest and cheapest excursion for a family our size. We’ve all been learning to snorkel - too much fun!
Danielle is being an awesome mom and incredible wife, as per usual. Not without her challenges as she described in her recent update.
She is experiencing what appears to be a common wrestle for wives of ministry families, at least in the YWAM circle. Which is trying to answer the question “what is my part?” This is an individual quest and full of difficult dynamics. She’s processing well, considering the intensity of the battle. The enemy has taken his best shots at her heart and she continues to put her trust in Jesus.
Beyond mom and wife, she’s pouring into a handful of mommas who are students in a Discipleship Training School. These ladies are in the same boat Danielle was this time last year. She’s walking with them in love and support as they journey this intense path.
The Lord is speaking to her about another ministry opportunity, her heart is stretched and burden in a new way. Nothing formal yet, we’ll keep you posted.
I’m (Dan) currently serving here in three capacities, however, project 1 is on hold for a bit. It’s a fundraising campaign for a global missions movement for a ministry here.
Project 2 is with the same ministry. We’re developing a model for local churches to partner with teams of long-term missionaries serving in closed nations. The partnership includes outreaches, intercession, leadership support, sponsorship, and more. These are providing churches with ministry and discipleship opportunities which are powerful a bit outside the typical church missions trip.
We launched a pilot with a Grove Community Church in Minneapolis this year. They’re a three-year-old church and they committed to sending eight short-term teams to the nations in 2019. I can share more as the model gets fleshed out.
The 3rd project is pioneering the Business Track; track simply means mini-school. The track is for students of Discipleship Training Schools as well as those in a second-level school called Foundations for Revival and Reformation; the track is a ministry emphasis course. They can choose from ten tracks, such as music, evangelism, dance, trades, humanitarian aid, etc.
God is on and in the business track in a powerful way...
For context sake, here’ a brief history of my storied business resume. From business start-up to freelance consulting, to nonprofit leadership. I’ve gotten to walk with dozens of entrepreneurs for twenty years and influence lots of projects.
For the bulk of my career, I was striving in my own strength. Standing on my God-given gifts but without the depth of character needed to truly steward or sustain these projects as they deserved. Also, I was operating from a place of insecurity and my business activity was my primary identity and personal validation.
Jesus has graciously been redeeming so much in me
He began by introducing me to radical business-believers. Men and women who, as I like to say, "Jesus is their CEO!"
To give you a sense of where He’s leading us, here’s a script for a track promo video being produced…
“Adam and Eve had a royal partnership with the Father. They were given His authority to rule, reign, and steward the garden as everything multiplied perfectly.
But they ate the wrong fruit. The ground was cursed; and the original design was broken. Forfeiting the partnership, work would be done by the “sweat of your brow.”
In Christ, believers are invited back into the garden partnership with the Father! Now, through Christ in you, God is eager to display his love, goodness, and wisdom for all of heaven and earth to see.
In this track, you will:
Get a deposit of faith for partnership with God
Practice childlike obedience in the business context
Learn principles of entrepreneurship
Gain skills applicable in any future work environment
Punch greed in the face with reckless love
Join us in diving into God’s desire to use business to supernaturally touch physical and spiritual poverty and bring the abundance of his kingdom to earth.”
Friends… I see a new generation rising up for the body of Christ regarding kingdom economics.
Here’s part of what I believe this looks like…
The favor promised in the Abrahamic covenant is fully available.
Heavenly favor does not primarily equal a surplus bank account; while it may be money, it ultimately equals whatever blessings are divinely prepared to be poured out.
The favor happens when our PRIORITY becomes friendship and partnership with the Lord; ultimately, HE is the favor!
We seek for and surrender into the given assignment for each season of life.
We step in with childlike obedience as the marker of success.
We open our receiving hand as wide as possible and open our giving hand even wider (thank you Jerry Carleton).
We recognize it is all, all His; every breath, every talent, every idea, every dollar, every employee, every positive outcome, etc. etc.
There is no line between the sacred and secular for those in covenant with Jesus; it is all worship, every God-given assignment is “ministry”, by faith.
To bring reformation to the business world, the Lord doesn’t need more Christians who work, that’s been done. He needs radical believers who “do only what they see the Father do!”
He’s a much better author of our lives than we could ever dream, joyfully give Him the pen.
If you read all this, thank you. I hope you are blessed of the Lord. We’ve prayed for those who read this to be touched by the Holy Spirit.
Speaking of walking with God...
We have recently received a peace from the Lord about inviting you to sow into our assignment from the Lord. He’s pioneering a great thing here. We are honored to be a part of it. He’s promised the activity we’re doing here will sow into the future work in Utah Valley.
If He leads you to invest with us, we are looking for monthly sponsors and other gifts.
For budget clarity sake:
Basic monthly expenses are similar to an average family
$6,500 is our true/full budget for all ministry/family needs and activity
$4,000 is an approximate, bare minimum, surviving budget
God provided earned income and sponsorship to cover our first month here
For ongoing support, we are currently less than $1,000 monthly
We know the goodness of His provision, have faith for His covering. We are confident in the Heavenly treasure available to those who sow with us.
Donate to our tax-deductible missions account (account # DF3553)
A huge, massive, extra special chunk of gratitude to those of you who are covering us in prayer. We know several of you are led to intercede on our behalf regularly. We sense it. We honor your faith on our behalf. We ask the Lord to reciprocate a double portion to you!
In Jesus name, blessings